NYC Private Detective Researching Personal Investigation Case

Are you looking for a private detective in New York City?

If so, you’ve come to the right place! At John Cutter Investigations we’re here to take on corporate and personal investigations, no matter how large or complex they may be.

Offering over 100+ years of combined law enforcement and private investigations experience, our team of private detectives has the knowledge and experience needed to guide you through the process of uncovering the truth, all while upholding the highest standard of professionalism and discretion.

Whether we are dealing with a cheating spouse, investigating fraudulent claims, or heading on due diligence investigations, we handle your case with the utmost care and sensitivity.

Get in touch with our team of private detectives today to chat about your investigation needs.

Private Investigation Agency in NYC for Personal and Corporate Investigations

Private Investigator Doing Background Check in New York City
Computer Forensic Investigation by NYC Private Detective
  • Corporate Investigations - We handle a range of corporate investigations including intellectual property, brand protection, and corporate fraud investigations.

  • Litigation Support - We offer support and peace of mind with litigation support investigations.

  • Due Diligence - We utilize our strategic partnerships to get to the bottom of due diligence investigations, providing insight into all involved parties.

  • Background Investigations - We offer personal and corporate background investigations to uncover a person's true character.

  • Insurance Claims - From worker's comp to basic claims investigations, we uncover the truth about insurance claims.

  • Title IX - We keep your school/facility protected by investigating Title IX allegations.

  • Asset Search - We offer both individual and corporate asset searches, no matter how simple or complex they may be.

  • Computer Forensic Investigations - Our qualified team conducts forensic investigations, uncovering the electronic evidence needed to fortify your case.

  • Matrimonial Investigations - We handle matrimonial investigations with the utmost sensitivity and discretion.

  • Suspicious Deaths - Our private detectives in NYC get to the bottom of suspicious death investigations.

Private Detective in New York City

Widely known as the Big Apple, New York City is the most populous city in the nation, and one of the most popular cities in the world.

Often called the city that never sleeps, NYC isn't just a hub for tourists, but a corporate paradise packed full of the largest and most renowned companies in the world. Home to IMB, Bank of China, PepsiCo, Verizon, and hundreds of other household names, NYC offers no limit of business opportunities for its faithful residents.

While NYC is one of the greatest cities in the world, it's also a place for mischief, and that's where we come in!

At JCI we provide private detectives to New York City and the surrounding areas. Led by former NYPD Deputy Chief John Cutter, we offer a range of expertise that enables us to uncover the truth quickly and efficiently incorporate investigations and personal investigations.

Licensed to handle a wide range of investigations in NYC, New Jersey, Florida, and Connecticut, we’re here to get to the bottom of investigations, and restore your peace of mind.