Lone Wolf Attack

Yellow police tape on crime scene after school shooting

Considering the recent tragic events, John Cutter Investigations, Inc., (JCI) cannot stress enough, the importance of taking precautions when outside the safety of your home. Continuously, America is witnessing horrific attacks on "soft targets": schools, houses of worship, retail locations, and movie theaters, have all become potential targets for the emotionally disturbed individual looking to instill fear as the new normal in a free society. While no level of security is 100% fail proof, and most security measures are cost-prohibitive, there are simple measures each individual can take in order to prevent becoming another victim of this rash of senseless violence.

  • Be aware of your surroundings, take notice of exits upon entering any locations you are not already familiar with.

  • Stay off of your cell phone, when walking through any public area, keep your phone in your pocket, remove all headphones.

  • Make sure your cell phone is sufficiently charged in case of emergency, and always call 911 after taking a safe position away from immediate danger.

  • Take notice of anything or anyone that does not look right: a man wearing a heavy coat in warm weather, a door propped open in a discreet manner. If you notice something, alert someone in a position of authority such as a store manager, security, or a police officer.

  • Explain the above precautions to children, keep children close, and don't allow children younger than ten years old to wander off on their own.

All of the above tips are only a fraction of the precautions each of us can take in order to minimize our own risk. JCI is always available for a free consultation to any entity considering the installation of security measures in order to protect their customers, members of their congregation, or students. JCI's management has specialized in providing Security Assessments and Security Services in the private sector for the past 15 years. The partners of our firm have provided Dignitary Protection with the highest levels of clearance while active within the NYPD and the Newark, NJ Police Department. JCI’s Management team has participated in and supervised very high profile events in both cities, such as 2004 New York Republican National Convention, Pope John Paul II visit to Newark, NJ (1995) and multiple United Nations General Assembly Sessions (UNGA). Please call us today for assistance at 877-528-8837.