Private Detective in Brooklyn, Manhattan, New York City, NYC, and Surrounding Areas

Private Detective in Brooklyn, Manhattan, New York City, NYC

Private Detective in Brooklyn, Manhattan, New York City, NYC

Everyone would want to live in a society that is free of any sort of threats be it personal or treats to the society at large. At John Cutter Investigations’ our Executive Management Team is dedicated enough to make this community a better place to live. We are a private detective firm that is fully licensed to operate in four different US states. To be able to provide our customers with superior service, we have divided our service area amongst various decorated investigators as per their experience and knowledge.  

Below we have mentioned a few common questions you should ask your private detective before hiring him. Take a look.

1.       How quickly can you start on my case?

Usually, most private investigation officers will ask for a 24-hour notice to prepare for the case they will be investigating. But however, in certain cases, they can start their procedure within three hours if the case is an urgent one. As soon as they have collected all the information they need, the detectives will begin the actual investigation.

2.       What is your confidentiality clause?

Almost all private detectives can vouch for the fact that any information that they come across during the investigation will be strictly kept confidential. Without the consent of the client, the investigator cannot share the crucial information, reports, or pieces of evidence even with the police.

3.       How much do you charge for your services?

This is one service there a general estimate cannot be provided as the cost of the investigation is purely independent under the nature of the assignment. The price is fixed depending on the amount of time spent on the case, additional charges of surveillance, and a few other factors.

So, if you live in the regions of Bergen County, Brooklyn, Manhattan, New York City, NYC and want to hire a private detective, you can contact us.

Ronald Lowe